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About Us

About AI-Zen Solutions

AI-Zen Solutions, a play between AI and “Kaizen” (改善) a Japanese term that means “change for better” or “continuous improvement.” In the business context, it’s often referred to as the practice of continuous improvement of processes in manufacturing, engineering, game development, and business processes, and our conviction that AI will drive the next wave of opportunity.

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SpiceBite: A Flavor Revolution in Snacking

Introducing SpiceBite! A fictional food brand that I created with crafty prompt-engineering and the goal of building a “BrandGPT” agent. In future posts and videos, I will share the agent armed with the content displayed in this post. Stay tuned!

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My Enterprise GPTs Predictions

How GPTs will transform organizations ability to capitalize on the power of Generative AI. TLDR: AI with Tools, reduced barriers to entry, and competence race.

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ProdSage – Product Manager Assistant

Our first minimum viable product, ProdSage: automating post-customer interview content generation tasks for product managers. Including vision, example content, code, and key technical learnings.

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First Steps: Generative AI Strategy

What I would do today as a leader or leading professional at any company to prepare for Generative AI? The strategic value of setting the right culture and pragmatic approach to learning is immense and will only compound into the future.

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