My Enterprise GPTs Predictions

How GPTs will transform organizations ability to capitalize on the power of Generative AI. TLDR: AI with Tools, reduced barriers to entry, and competence race.

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OpenAI has unveiled a groundbreaking update at DevDays: enterprises can now develop bespoke versions of ChatGPT that can be seamlessly integrated and shared within their organizations. These custom-built AI models – let’s refer to them as “GPTs” for simplicity – are not just a technological leap; they represent a paradigm shift in organizational efficiency and innovation.

The early adopters of this technology are already pioneering novel applications daily. However, harnessing the full potential of these AI systems isn’t just about understanding how to use them; it’s about mastering the art of “prompt-engineering.” This subtle yet critical skill can now be amplified and disseminated across entire companies without the need for extensive training.

But this is just the beginning. The new era of enterprise AI is supercharged with cutting-edge capabilities like Retrieval-Augmented Generation, Code Interpretation, and Tools with Function-Calling features. Rather than delving into the intricacies of these technologies, I aim to explore the vast array of applications they enable and the significant value they offer to businesses.

AI with Tools

This technological frontier may seem distant, but its potential is staggering. Imagine an AI that goes beyond conversation, equipped with tools that perform a multitude of tasks: from simple calculations, sending emails, managing your calendar, and controlling smart devices, to more complex tasks like generating meeting notes, drafting blog posts, translating speech, querying databases, creating compelling data visualizations, employing predictive models, aiding in scenario planning, and even assisting with application and architectural design.

These AI models are capable of initiating virtually any action across the software systems your organization relies on. Skeptical? I invite you to witness these capabilities firsthand. I’m more than happy to showcase any proof of concept you’re interested in exploring. Alternatively, take a look at Zapier’s AI Actions which already boasts over 30,000 possible tasks, all achievable with their integration of GPT technology.

For a succinct demonstration, don’t miss OpenAI’s showcase, a concise 3-minute presentation that will give you a taste of what’s in store.

Scale Expertise with Domain-Specific GPTs

BrandGPTs: Your Brand’s Knowledge, Now Conversational

Imagine you’re at the helm of a consumer packaged goods (CPG) company, with each brand in your portfolio boasting decades of research on market categories, competitors, and consumer behaviors. Enter BrandGPT — an AI customized to assimilate this vast knowledge. Ask your BrandGPT any question and receive an instant response, complete with references to internal documents. This isn’t just about convenience; it’s about unlocking the full potential of your brand’s intelligence at the speed of thought.

PlantGPTs: Streamlining Manufacturing Expertise

Manufacturing thrives on expertise that is often siloed within the minds of seasoned experts, buried in dense manuals, or scattered across work orders. PlantGPT represents a paradigm shift, transforming this scattered knowledge into an accessible, actionable tool. Engineers, mechanics, and operators can now tap into a centralized well of information and diagnostic advice, streamlining operations and troubleshooting.

Grow with Decision Science GPTs

AnalyticGPTs: Insights at the Speed of Inquiry

Bid farewell to the laborious process of data extraction, report generation, and insight mining. With AnalyticGPT, armed with your company’s data, you’re a simple question away from instant answers. The biggest hurdle to this future is the integration of accurate and connected data, yet the journey can begin with something as foundational as spreadsheets.

DecisionGPTs: Accelerated Executive Scenario Planning

Equipped with your company’s data, sophisticated predictive and forecasting models, and specialized domain expertise, executives can now conduct scenario planning in a matter of hours, rather than weeks. Not just running a tool, but iteratively curating your strategy and seeing the impact update in real-time.

Example Chain-of-Thought: What is the impact to my business and customers if our costs go up by 10%? What if we optimized pricing for profitable growth given the 10% increase, what are the new prices and impacts to our business and customers? We are building inventory on Brand A, what if we lower those optimized prices by 15%? Great, generate a spreadsheet with the data to download, and an executive summary with the key highlights.

This may sound like science-fiction, but check out our price optimization solution, we are building this agent today. With your sponsorship we can accelerate the reality.

Removing Barriers to Entry

The narrative that OpenAI’s advancements could spell the end for countless startups has been circulating widely. Yet, the crucial question remains: Were these entities fully-fledged products or simply features awaiting integration? The advanced technologies now allied with ChatGPT and the Assistant API are set to lower the barrier for creating tooling layers, accelerating their arrival. OpenAI is also crafting intuitive no-code interfaces, enabling companies to build custom agents with their own data and tools.

The road ahead envisions IT and Analytics teams developing sanctioned tools, connecting them to robust platforms, and employees at every level designing new, solution-driven use cases. For a glimpse into the initial stages of these user interfaces, watch the accompanying 4-minute video demonstration.

Sociocultural Implications

I will leave this topic to the talking heads, however, I will venture one forecast: the emergence of a ‘competence race.’ As AI tools become more democratized, they pave the way for increased exposure and opportunities for professional advancement. It’s not merely an expectation but a call to action for companies to harness this technological wave by encouraging their workforce to leverage their creativity and ingenuity. With the AI landscape rapidly evolving, there are undoubtedly numerous applications that remain undiscovered. Perhaps it will be someone within your organization who will unearth a groundbreaking competitive edge.

Embrace GenAI with aiZen Solutions

As we stand on the brink of a new era in AI, the potential for innovation and growth within your company is immense. aiZen Solutions is at the forefront, ready to guide you through this transformative journey. If you’re seeking expertise to expedite your company’s adoption of these advanced AI capabilities, our team is your ideal partner. We offer consulting services tailored to your unique needs, ensuring you harness the full power of AI to drive your business forward. Contact us today to explore how we can accelerate your journey into the future of enterprise intelligence.

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SpiceBite: A Flavor Revolution in Snacking

Introducing SpiceBite! A fictional food brand that I created with crafty prompt-engineering and the goal of building a “BrandGPT” agent. In future posts and videos, I will share the agent armed with the content displayed in this post. Stay tuned!


My Enterprise GPTs Predictions

How GPTs will transform organizations ability to capitalize on the power of Generative AI. TLDR: AI with Tools, reduced barriers to entry, and competence race.

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